What are the health benefits of drinking hibiscus tea?

What is hibiscus tea?

When it comes to beverages that offer both flavor and a plethora of health benefits, hibiscus tea stands out as a vibrant and enticing choice. Derived from the crimson petals of the Hibiscus plant, this herbal infusion has been consumed for centuries and is celebrated not only for its refreshing taste but also for its numerous health advantages. In this article, we will explore the question, what are the health benefits of hibiscus tea. We will explore how hibiscus tea has had an effect on cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes which is backed by scientific research. This plant with its reddish-green branches and fleshy shaped flowers provides us with a tangy, fruity drink with therapeutic uses. Hibiscus tea is my first choice when I want a fruity drink, but do not want a sugary drink because of the calories. The article also shows some ways hibiscus tea is prepared.

Hibiscus may help lower blood pressure

A study was conducted with 65 participants who were prehypertensive and mildly hypertensive. The participants consumed three cups of hibiscus tea a day, which consisted of 3.75 grams of hibiscus in each cup. Systolic was lowered from 129 to 122 mm/Hg and diastolic was lowered from 78.9 to 75.8 mm/Hg. 

A study was conduced with a group of females between the ages of twenty and thirty-five in which participants consumed hibiscus tea twice a day. They consumed two grams of hibiscus in each cup. The study found systolic to reduce from 115 to 107 mm/Hg and diastolic was reduced from 73.38 to 67.9 mm/Hg. The duration of the study was forty-eight days. In another study which was conducted with forty-six hypertensive subjects, the participants consumed two cups of hibiscus tea, twice a day. The participants in this study also experienced a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Hibiscus may lower cholesterol

A study found that participants who consumed hibiscus tea, twice a day, which consisted of 35 grams of hibiscus powder, had lowered their total cholesterol and LDL (low density lipoprotein). Total density was reduced from 134 to 101.7mg/dl and LDL was reduced from 84.70 to 37.97 mg/dL. 

A clinical trial was conducted with forty-three participants who consumed two cups of hibiscus tea daily. The participants consumed two grams of pulverized hibiscus tea which was added to 240 ml of boiling water. Total cholesterol reduced by 8.33%, 9.8%, and 9.46%.

Hibiscus may help with weight loss

A study found that participants who consumed two grams for hibiscus tea twice a day reduced body weight from 64.24kg to 63.38 kg. The participants in the group were women over the age of 60.

In a study conducted with thirty-six obese participants, who consumed 450mg of hibiscus extract reduced obesity. Weight was reduced from 88.52 kg to 87.28kg. Fat was reduced from 37.37 to 36.67. 

Hibiscus may help with diabetes

A study was conducted with elderly subjects over the age of 60 years old. Each participant consumed two grams of hibiscus tea twice a day. The study found that hibiscus tea reduced postprandial glucose and cortisol. Postprandial glucose was reduced by 278 to 225 mg/dl and cortisol was reduced by 16.90 to 12.78ul. 

A study found that hibiscus tea can effectively lower blood sugar levels. In this study, participants were Type II diabetes patients. They consumed two grams of hibiscus powder for sixty days. The participants experienced a reduction in fasting blood sugar levels.

Is Hibiscus safe?

Many studies have indicated that high doses of hibiscus tea for a long period can impact liver, reproductive, and kidney function. Also, there have been studies on the possible interactions with other drugs. More clinical human trials need to be conducted to truly know the long term effects of human consumption of hibiscus tea. 

How to prepare Hibiscus tea

  1. Commercial Tea Bags

The easiest and most convenient way to drink any tea is to use commercial tea bags. I prefer Traditional Medicinals Hibiscus tea because I get the benefit of the organic hibiscus flower with the perfect proprietary blend which consist of organic blackberry leaf and organic lemongrass leaf.

    2. Steep dried hibiscus calyxes

According to the Journal of Food science, you can prepare it the following way

  • Boil water and let it cool for one minute.
  • Use one to two teaspoons of dried hibiscus calyxes per eight ounces of water.
  • Let it steep for five to seven minutes

This method extracts the antioxidants and nutrients from the hibiscus petals.

     3. Cold Brew

To prepare cold brew hibiscus tea:

  • Mix hibiscus calyxes and cold water
  • Refrigerate for six to twelve hours
  • Strain the hibiscus tea

According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, cold water can be an effective way of extracting compounds and maintaining the great taste of hibiscus tea.


In conclusion, hibiscus tea offers a range of potential health benefits supported by scientific studies. It shows promise in improving cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels, aiding weight management, regulating blood pressure, and assisting with diabetes control.

With multiple methods of preparation, including traditional commercial tea bags, steeping, and cold brewing, it caters to diverse tastes and preferences. Whether you opt for the classic hot hibiscus tea or the refreshing iced versions, it offers not only a flavorful experience but also a pathway to a healthier lifestyle. The delicious tart, tangy, and fruity flavor of hibiscus tea, coupled with its potential health benefits, makes it a remarkable addition to your daily routine.

As promising as these findings are, it’s crucial to approach hibiscus tea consumption with caution, particularly when considering its long-term use and potential interactions with other medications. While numerous studies have suggested the positive impact of hibiscus tea on various health parameters, it’s vital that additional clinical trials be conducted to establish its long-term effects on human health comprehensively. In this regard, consulting with a healthcare practitioner before integrating hibiscus tea into your regular routine is advisable.

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